Professional Floor Cleaning and restoration specialists. Isle Of Wight, Hampsire and Dorset.

Natural Stone Floor Cleaning and Restoration. 

Is your Natural Stone Floor looking its best?


Limestone floors are an asset to any home. Similar to a vehicle they require servicing to help them stay at their best. With the correct love and attention they can look amazing for decades and even longer.

If your Limestone floor isn’t the asset it should be to your home, we can help. Does your limestone floor have dirty grout joints and damage letting it down? We can help with these, we offer professional deep cleaning which not only removes the dirty and grime from the stone / tiles it also works wonders on dirty grout joints. Calcium based stones such as Limestone and Marble floors can etch and require repolishing. We undertake this marble polishing with a heavy weighted machine and floor pads or resins which can also help to remove surface scratches. With our floor restoration process, we can also repair cracks and fill pits / holes.

The great thing about limestone, Travertine and Marble floors is they can be restored and  sometimes even look better than when they were first laid. Your beautiful Kitchen floor, bathroom or hall can look fantastic once again.

You may think your floor needs replacing but there is so much a professional deep clean and restoration of your natural stone floor can do. Book a demo clean and see what we can achieve for your floor. We love transforming Limestone flooring back to looking amazing again. 

Based in St Helens on the east coast of the Isle of Wight. We cover the entire Isle Of Wight, Dorset and Hampshire too. We often find ourselves working over in Bournemouth, The New Forest, PortsmouthSouthampton and Winchester.

The company was established back in 2006. With over 15 years experience, we can help you too, Call us on 01983493893.

Natural Stone  Cleaning and restoration we Offer..

Deep Cleaning of Natural Stone

With over a decade of experience working with Natural Stone, we know how to thoroughly deep clean your natural stone such as Limestone, Marble and Travertine. We have a variety of machines, process’s and cleaning solutions to offer a thorough deep clean. 

Damage and Crack Repairs

Over time, movement, stress and accidents can cause tiles to crack.  We are able to repair these cracks and apply fillers of various colors to attempt to hide the crack and restore your beautiful floor without the costs and disruption of floor or tile replacements. 

Once we have deep cleaned your floor, I’m sure you would love to keep it looking great.  We offer impregnating sealers to help protect the porous stone and grout. With this protection your floor can be protected from staining and make it easier for you to remove the dirt with your routine cleaning. 

Grinding & Honing

Sometimes we need to remove some of the surface. This might need to be substantial amounts or just microns from the surface to remove damage such as etching.  

Diamond Polishing

We offer various levels of polishing to provide anything from a light satin sheen through to full gloss “mirror like” finish where possible using resins, pads and continuing using polishing powders 

Filling & Repairs

Travertine is formed with holes where hot springs from millions of years ago left their mark. We can fill these where appropriate with two part resins.   

Let’s get your floor looking great again. 

Give us a call and we can help get your floor looking fabulous again. We offer free quotes and demonstration cleans so you can see what your floor can look like again. 

Call Us Now